Here you can find a library of various planning documents and reports, as well as project-related documents.
Our Short Range Transit Plan is a comprehensive 10-year plan that is updated every 2-4 years. Click on the link below to see all of Marin Transit's Short Range Trans Plans to date.
Project Documents & Reports

The study presents a comprehensive analysis of Marin Transit's senior mobility programs (Marin Access) and recommends future improvements. The study's findings address issues of limited resources and increasing needs, and will inform decisions on how Marin Transit might expand programs and introduce new offerings for a rapidly growing senior population.

Marin Transit, in partnership with the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) and the Marin County Office of Education, conducted a Coordinated Countywide School Transportation Study that concluded in 2015.
- Fact Sheet
- Existing Conditions Assessment
- Existing Conditions Assessment: Appendix
- Final Study
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - May 6, 2016
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - July 18, 2016
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - Sep 15, 2016
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - Nov 28, 2016
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - Feb 8, 2017
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - April 3, 2017
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - June 12, 2017
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - Jan 19, 2018
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - June 29, 2018
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - September 24, 2018
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - October 29, 2018
- School Transportation Ad Hoc Committee Packet - December 12, 2018

In response the recommendations from the Novato and Tiburon Transit Needs Assessment Studies, Marin Transit invested in 11% more fixed route service in August of 2013. This study evaluated those changes and makes further recommendations for service adjustments.

Marin Transit further invested in rural West Marin Stagecoach services in 2014. This plan outlines the planning work that was done to evaluate the current performance of the routes and form recommendations for expansion.

The Countywide Transit Market Assessment (CTMA) evaluated how fixed route transit service in Marin County is currently provided relative to the existing transit markets, forecasted how these markets may shift or change in the future, and identified recommendations to restructure or improve transit services to better serve Marin residents. The primary tool used in this assessment was a comprehensive onboard survey, as well as 2010 US Census data and ridecheck data collected over the last three years.

In partnership with the Town of Tiburon and the City of Belvedere, Marin Transit conducted a Tiburon Transit Needs Assessment to evaluate existing services within the Tiburon Peninsula, identify new and emerging mobility needs that fall outside the current transit service options, and craft practical strategies for meeting these needs. This grant funded study included an extensive public outreach program to engage the public who live, work, and regularly visit the Tiburon Peninsula to ensure a clear understanding of their needs as they relate to transit and mobility within the region.

In partnership with the City of Novato, Marin Transit conducted a Novato Transit Needs Assessment to evaluate existing services within the City of Novato, identify new and emerging mobility needs that fall outside the current transit service options, and craft practical strategies for meeting these needs. This grant funded study included an extensive public outreach program with public meetings, an onboard and community survey and various tabling events

In partnership with Marin Transit and other community agencies, the Marin County Health and Human Services Department, Division of Aging and Adult Services has sponsored the Marin Senior Mobility Action and Implementation Plan to identify measures that can be taken by Marin County and transportation agencies to support the mobility of the growing older population beyond their driving years. The Plan is a joint effort to keep older people safe and connected to their communities as problems related to aging make it harder for them to get around.

In partnership with TAM and Golden Gate Transit, an incremental program of feasible and fundable improvements to U.S. 101-

Marin Transit conducted a community based transportation study to understand the transit needs in West Marin. Two rounds of public meetings were held at various locations in West Marin County, and input received from the community helped to shape the final strategies and recommendations contained in the report. The Final Strategies Report is complete and available for viewing

Marin Transit, in partnership with Marin County Department of Health and Human Services, managed a study on strategies to provide enhanced taxi services for social service and public paratransit programs for residents of Marin County. The study was funded by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) as a case study to provide results for use by other counties in the region.