Title VI Civil Rights Program

Marin County Transit District Federal Title VI Civil Rights Program

Marin Transit is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or discriminated against under its projects, programs or activities on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as provided in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and 49 United States Code Section 5332. Under Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Title VI guidance issued on October 1, 2012, all transit operators receiving federal funds are required to:

  • Ensure that the level and quality of transportation service is provided without regard to race, color, or national origin.
  • Identify and address, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse effects of programs and activities on minority populations and low-income populations.
  • Promote the full and fair participation of all affected populations in transportation decision-making.
  • Prevent the denial, reduction, or delay in benefits related to programs and activities that benefit minority populations or low-income populations.
  • Ensure meaningful access to programs and activities by persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP).

Marin Transit’s Title VI Program will continue to evolve through lessons learned in conducting planning analysis, evaluating service impacts, and in putting into place inclusive participation programs and outreach activities.  Every three years, Marin Transit will update this document for the Federal Transit Administration as a record of the District’s most current Title VI Program.

Marin Transit Title VI Policy Statement – Notice to the Public

Marin Transit grants all citizens equal access to transportation services and is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color, or national origin as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. For more information on our Title VI program or how to file a complaint, contact (415) 226-0855 or TDD 711, email info@marintransit.org or visit our offices at 711 Grand Avenue, Suite 110, San Rafael, CA 94901.

For more information about Marin Transit’s Title VI program, please visit marintransit.org/titlevi or call (415) 226-0855 or TDD 711.

If information is needed in another language, contact Marin Transit at (415) 226-0855.

Pasajero de Marin Transit - Política de no discriminación

Marin Transit otorga a todos los ciudadanos la igualdad de acceso a sus servicios de transporte. Marin Transit tiene el compromiso de garantizar que ninguna persona sea excluida de participar o que se le nieguen los beneficios de sus servicios sobre la base de raza, color u origen nacional, según se proteja por el Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964. Para obtener más información sobre nuestro programa Título VI o cómo presentar una queja, comuníquese con (415) 226-0855 o TDD 711, envíe un correo electrónico a info@marintransit.org o visite nuestras oficinas en 711 Grand Avenue, Suite 110, San Rafael, CA 94901.

Para obtener más información sobre el programa Título VI de Marin Transit, visite marintransit.org/titlevi o llame al (415) 226-0855 o TDD 711.

Si necesita información en otro idioma, comuníquese con Marin Transit al (415) 226-0855. 

Hành khách sử dụng xe buýt Marin Transit – Chính sách không phân biệt đối xử

Marin Transit cho phép mọi công dân tiếp cận bình đẳng với các dịch vụ vận chuyển và cam kết đảm bảo rằng không ai bị loại trừ khỏi việc tham gia hoặc bị từ chối các lợi ích từ các dịch vụ của Marin Transit trên cơ sở chủng tộc, màu da hoặc nguồn gốc quốc gia như được bảo vệ bởi Tiêu đề VI của Đạo luật về Quyền Công dân năm 1964. Để biết thêm thông tin về chương trình Tiêu đề VI của chúng tôi hoặc cách nộp đơn khiếu nại, hãy liên lạc với số điện thoại (415) 226-0855 hoặc TDD 711, hoặc truy cập vào info@marintransit.org hoặc đến văn phòng của chúng tôi tại 711 Grand Avenue, Suite 110, San Rafael , CA 94901.

Để biết thêm thông tin về chương trình Tiêu đề VI của Marin Transit, vui lòng truy cập vào marintransit.org/titlevi hoặc gọi (415) 226-0855 hoặc TDD 711.

Nếu cần thông tin bằng ngôn ngữ khác, hãy liên lạc với Marin Transit theo số (415) 226-0855.


馬林縣公共交通(Marin Transit )致力於確保所有公民都能平等獲得公交服務,並承諾不會因種族、膚色或原國籍而排除任何人參與或享受其服務的權益,這些權益受到《1964年民權法案》(Civil Rights Act of 1964) 第六章 (Title VI) 的保護。如需了解有關我們的第六章計劃或如何提出投訴的更多信息,請通過以下方式聯繫我們:致電 (415) 226-0855 或 TDD 711,發電郵至info@marintransit.org,或者親臨我們辦公室(地址是711 Grand Avenue, Suite 110, San Rafael, CA 94901)。

如需了解有關馬林縣公共交通(Marin Transit)第六章計劃的更多信息,請訪問 marintransit.org/titlevi,或者致電(415) 226-0855 或TDD 711

如需其他語言的信息,請致電Marin Transit (415) 226-0855。

Complaint Procedures and Forms

Use the links below to access Title VI complaint procedures and forms in your preferred language. 


2023 Title VI Program

Appendix A: Public Participation Plan

Appendix B: Community Based Organizations, Agencies and Groups

Appendix C: Recent Outreach Efforts

Appendix D: Limited English Proficiency Language Assistance Plan

Appendix E: Facility Equity Analyses

Appendix F: 2017 On Board Survey Report

Appendix G: Service Performance Monitoring

Appendix H: Major Service Change, Disparate Impact, and Disproportionate Burden Policies

Appendix I: Results of Service and Fare Equity Analyses

Appendix J: Marin Transit Public Hearing Policy (Marin Transit Public Hearing Policy Updated on January 13, 2025)

Appendix K: Board Adoption of Title VI Program

Documents are available in accessible formats upon request. For information regarding accessible formats, please contact:

Civil Rights Officer
Marin Transit
711 Grand Avenue, Suite 110
San Rafael, CA 94901
415-226-0855 or TDD 711