Marin Transit Connect was an on-demand, fully-accessible pilot program than ran from 2018 through June of 2023. Marin Transit conducted a one-year evaluation in July 2019 and a final evaluation in spring of 2023. The Final Connect Evaluation documented the program's history, changes that were made since the one year evaluation and FY 2022-23 program performance.
Based on recommendations to the Marin Transit Board in May of 2023, the District phased out the Connect program effective July 1, 2023, and has replaced it with an expansion of the Catch-A-Ride program.
Project Documents

Upcoming Meetings & Events
There are currently no upcoming meetings or events
Past Meetings & Events
October 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
10/07/2019 1:00
July 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
07/01/2019 10:00AM
There is currently no project news.