Marin Transit will make improvements to high ridership transit corridors in Marin County. The corridors are 4th Street, Lincoln Ave., and in/around the San Rafael Transit Center in San Rafael, and South Novato Blvd. in Novato. Proposed improvements will include upgrades to bus stop amenities, enhancements to passenger information, and transit priority treatments to make transit service faster, more reliable, and more accessible to riders.
Bus Stop and Passenger Information Improvements
Making accessibility improvements is a priority for Marin Transit. The project will renovate high-ridership stops to improve ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accessibility, enhance amenities such as real-time information, and better integrate bus stops with street design.
Transit Priority Improvements
In partnership with the City of San Rafael and Novato, Marin Transit will improve the operational efficiency of existing routes through implementation of transit priority improvements. Marin Transit and San Rafael have already started collaboration on a transit signal priority project in downtown San Rafael. This project will also evaluate treatments such as queue jump lanes, bus bulbouts/islands, and part-time dedicated carpool/transit lanes to further enhance speed and reliability of the local bus system.